Here is the clean up crew for the Fall Clean Up at the Odd Fellows Cemetery, left to right:
Carolyn Belknap, Frank Belknap, Frederick Nelson-Bonebreak, Joe Brennan, Larkin Evans, Beverly Spink, Susan Brennan, Matthew Spink and Liz McCaughey. Jim Holley had to leave early. Matthew is the Eagle Scout who built the Kiosk, Beverly is his mom.
The pathways and grave plots we will be visiting on Thursday’s memorial tour were cleaned and groomed. The whole area was policed up for litter. One entire abandoned homeless campsite in the NW corner was removed and cleaned up. The debris box provided by the Andreinis below the fence was conveniently placed and we nearly filled it! They also provided bags and gloves for the volunteers.
Gail Harvey provided hot dogs, crab chips, cookies and water for the volunteers at noon.
Thanks to everyone involved!
The Cemetery Committee