Masks and vaccinations are optional but recommended in our facility. We will continue to evaluate and update our protocol based on community risk levels in San Mateo County using tools such as COVID Act Now Community Risk Level.

We ask that if you are not feeling well or have been in contact with anyone who has experienced any COVID-19 like symptoms to not attend our event and contact us about a refund.

Public Events

Mask use is not required in our facility. For your safety, we have a new air circulation system that meets CDC guidelines, but please use your good judgement based on your personal risk tolerance.

At events the performers at the front of the room will not be wearing masks. To protect them while they perform for us, we encourage maintaining at least six feet between the performers and the audience.

In the Kitchen and Galley/Dining room area, mask removal for eating and drinking is OK, but do so at your own risk.

Member and Private Events

For small groups of 10 or less members, please use good judgement and check the comfort level or your Sisters and Brothers about mask use. Remember, many of our members wear masks to protect people at home.

For private events at our facility (classes, services, etc), we encourage following our Covid precautions but cannot police or punish people who proceed at their own risk.

Generally, HMB Odd Fellows asks that you follow our creed of Friendship, Love and Truth in your mask use decision making. We are all in this together.